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Our new class schedule will commence on 07/02/23
Classes Description
Adult swim lessons help build water confidence and learn basic swimming techniques with 45 minute lessons over an 8 week course. Our adult classes are structured into beginners and improvers.
Flexibility Yoga advocates propose that stretching warm muscles is more effective and lets the practitioner get deeper into poses. Because stretching is an effective way to increase flexibility, yoga can help improve ones range of motion, prevent injuries in exercise, and help a person heal from previous injuries. Weight Loss Because heated yoga increases the pulse rate, the body works to maintain thermoregulation, increasing calorie expenditure without the impact on joints of other calisthenic exercise regimens. Yoga is also purported to increase oxidation of fat cells. Stress Relief Exercise, deep breathing, and meditation have been shown to reduce stress levels, and heated yoga combines all three. Lower stress levels allow for better and easier sleep, reduce weight gain, reduce risk of illness and injury, lowers heart rate and blood pressure, and improves mood. Immune System Raising one’s core temperature simulates fever-like conditions in the body, increasing white blood cell production and combatting viruses and bacteria. Stress weakens the immune system, so activities that reduce stress also reduce susceptibility to illness. Aches, injuries and arthritis Many joints, including and especially the vertebrae, stop lubricating as efficiently when a person enters their thirties. Yoga promotes joint lubrication which can alleviate general feelings of stiffness and discomfort, both reactively and proactively Increased Performance Many athletes and hobbyists take up heated yoga to improve performance in other activities. Well-stretched muscles have better range of motion and are less prone to tearing. Joints in proper alignment are less injury-prone in high-impact sports. The breath control of yoga improves performance in cardiovascular and anaerobic activities.
This form of exercising works for any and everyone no matter how much experience you have with fitness training or working out on your own. People choose to do something that includes fun, rather than a routine that is just considered work with little to no motivation, and this is the reason why aqua aerobics have become increasingly popular among those that love to workout. While having fun in the water, you can become toned, and have much more flexibility than what you could ever imagine.
Aqua aerobics supports the body and reduces the risk of muscle or joint injury. The mitigation of gravity by flotation places less stress on the joints when stretching, and can allow a greater range of motion. The mitigation of gravity makes Aqua aerobics safe for individuals able to keep their heads out of water, including the elderly. Water exercise classes focus on both cardiovascular and strength benefits. Whether you’re trying to maintain your current level of fitness or reach a new level, the added benefit of training in water makes our aqua workouts safe and fun without impact to the joints. These classes may use resistance tools that include water weights and noodles. Because of their low-impact format, aqua aerobics classes are suitable for every fitness level – from beginning exercisers through elite athletes. Everyone is welcome! Aqua Aerobics are best for those that cannot handle the pressure that any other ordinary workout would put on them. Even people who suffer from arthritis may want to give these classes a try! For people that may have gone through some sort of traumatic situation such as surgery or a car accident, Aqua Aerobics would be great because it would be a lot easier and gentle on their bodies. Aqua Aerobics also help to relax the muscles and joints which and keep them from being too tense after a workout. Pregnant women as well as anyone else can benefit from aqua aerobics as well. A pregnant woman will be a lot more strengthened and prepared for birth if she does aqua aerobics on a regular basis.
Step aerobics is a choreographed routine of stepping up and down on a rectangular platform. Many classes combine step aerobics with body sculpting, jumping rope, sliding, or funk aerobics.
What step aerobics does for you: Gets your heart and lungs in shape and tones your tush. Step aerobics is a terrific cross-training activity for runners, cyclists, and walkers.
The exhaustion factor: Depends on the choreography, the pace, and the height of your step. In general, the more complex the choreography and the higher your step, the tougher the workout. Never use a platform so high that your knee is higher than your hip when you step up. In some classes, you hold weights while you step.
Pregnancy Yoga is a fantastic way to prepare your body and mind for birth. It comprise of a series of exercises that will help you’re your body cope with the huge changes going on and prepare for the birth of your baby or babies.
- Pregnancy Yoga helps you learn to relax.
- Relaxation techniques can help you cope with the stresses of motherhood, but more importantly, the intensity of labour.
- Flexibility is helpful if you are going to let your body open during birth. Prenatal Yoga postures can help loosen tight muscles and joints, allowing you the freedom to adopt what ever positions you like in labour.
- Keeping up with a regular exercise program in pregnancy is important. You need to keep up your strength for what’s coming and to help prepare your body for birth. You can attend prenatal yoga from 12 weeks onwards.
- Many pregnant women feel their posture suffers from the additional weight of their baby and their new boobs. Prenatal Yoga can help stretch out and strengthen your body.
Level 1: Tadpoles (Complete Beginner)
This level is for complete beginners and will concentrate on water confidence. Your child will learn to blow bubbles, place head in water and float on back and front. At the end of this level your child will be confident to float with aid and comfortably blow bubbles.
Minimum Requirement: Your child should be comfortable to enter water with aid and without parents.
Level 2: Starfish (Beginners)
Your child will learn to float on back and front without armbands, jump in and swim 5 metres front and back.
Minimum Requirements: Your child should be able to fully submerge the head in water and blow bubbles in the water.
Level 3: Orca (Improver)
By the end of this level your child will be able to swim 20 metres confidently, demonstrate the understanding od all four strokes and preform a range of skills from push and glides, treading water and picking objects up from the bottom of the pool floor.
Minimum Requirements: Your child should be able to preform free style and backstroke for up to five lengths (technique is not important at this level)
Level 4: Marlin (Advanced)
Your child will be able to swim 20 metres comfortably all four strokes and will be taught to swim quickly, efficiently and effect.
Minimum Requirement: Your child should be able to preform freestyle and backstroke for 20 metres (technique should be learned before entering this level)
Level 5: Stingrays (Elite)
To refine the keystrokes and develop endurance in freestyle, breaststroke and back stroke.
Minimum requirements: Your child should be able to preform freestyle and backstroke for a minimum of 40 metres and breaststroke for 20 metres.
Jitterbugs age 1- 3 years
Come dance, sing, and perhaps learn a yoga posture or 2 with me and the Jitterbugs! This interactive class will have mom (dad, granny, auntie, or guardian) and your toddler exploring, tapping, jumping, and laughing throughout!
Have you ever wondered what’s the magic behind this exercise craze that is taking the fitness world by storm? In this issue of our newsletter, we will have a look at the 10 benefits of Zumba.The 10 Benefits of ZUMBA1. Improved Cardiovascular Health
One of the best fitness benefits associated with Zumba dancing is an improvement in your cardiovascular health. Your cardiovascular system is composed of your heart, as well as the veins and arteries that deliver blood to and from the heart. When this system is weak, you may experience symptoms such as weakness, shortness of breath, fatigue, and an inability to perform the daily activities of life. In addition to these symptoms, a weak cardiovascular system can, in some cases, cause heart attacks or even death. Research has found that one of the best ways to improve the condition of your cardiovascular system is by performing physical activity that stresses the heart, such as walking, swimming, or Zumba dancing.2. Weight Loss
Another great fitness benefit associated with Zumba dancing is the burning of body fat and weight loss. This is one of the most common reasons that people choose to join group exercise classes such as Zumba. As stated above, Zumba is a type of cardiovascular exercise, and research has found that participating in cardiovascular exercise is the best way to lose weight. For best results, try to track how many calories you burn during the workout, and use this to maximize your weight loss. For the average person, engaging in Zumba dance workout for one hour will burn 600 to 1,000 calories.3. Stress Reliever
Zumba dance routines are all about releasing your inhibitions and losing yourself in the movements. Some people who attend Zumba classes say it’s better than therapy. Not only do the energetic moves cause release of mood altering endorphins, you can feel your worries melt away as you lose yourself in the music and the movements.4. Improved Mood / Positive Self-Image
Research has found that all types of exercise produce endorphins, which are a type of “feel-good” hormone that are released into the blood stream after you finish exercising. People who suffer from bouts of depression are often encouraged to participate in physical activity in order to benefit from these hormones. Studies have discovered that for the highest amount of endorphin release, you must participate in cardiovascular exercise. Zumba is an excellent option – it improves self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-image.5. Improved Coordination
Zumba dancing is also a great way to improve your coordination. Having a good sense of coordination is very important, especially as you age. Falls among the elderly are one of the leading causes of death. Therefore, if you can improve (and maintain) your coordination as you age, you will be less likely to fall victim to these types of accidents.
Many Zumba dance moves aid in working on the core abdominal muscles – the girdle of muscles that gives the pelvis its strength and power. This means firmer abdominals and a lower risk of back pain.7. Total Body Workout
With weight-lifting and resistance training, you are focusing on one group of muscles at a time. Even when you do cardio on a treadmill or an exercise bike, you are mostly working the lower body. Zumba provides a total body toning routime along with a heart-pumping aerobic workout. Regular sessions of Zumba dance have the ability to reshape and refresh all parts of the body, like the hips, the arms, the heart, and the mind.8. Provides Benefits of Interval Training Zumba dance offers the benefits of interval training which is one of the best ways to burn calories. Zumba incorporates the principles of interval training into every workout by using alternating fast and slow sequences to vary the intensity.9. It’s Upbeat and Fun
What is the most common reason people stop exercising? Lack of time and boredom. Zumba addresses both of these problems by providing a total body workout in one session and making exercise fun. The magic of the lively Latin music motivates participants to perform movements with more intensity than if they were doing a series of squats or a set of controlled lat-pull down exercises. The mood is incredibly upbeat in a Zumba exercise class. Time goes by quickly because the dance routines are anything but boring. Most people look forward to coming to class – and so they keep coming – and seeing results.10. Easy, Non-Intimidating Learning Environment
Learn new dance steps in an easy-to-follow, fun and party-like format.
Now that you have learnt about the many benefits of Zumba, what are you waiting for?
Ballet is a form of dancing which may tell a story, express a mood, or just reflect a piece of music. Ballet is a very graceful type of dancing, in which dancers perform many movements. Your children will learn to dance both as individuals and as a member of a group as they develop rhythm, coordination, flexibility, creativity, expression, imagination, self-awareness, and self-confidence.
What is a kettlebell? Glad that you asked. Imagine a black bowling ball with a suitcase handle on it and you have an idea of what a kettlebell looks like. A kettlebell is a big hunk of iron that comes in several sizes: 8lbs, 12lbs, 18lbs, 26lbs, 35lbs,44lbs, 53lbs, 70lbs, 80lbs, 88lbs, 97lbs and for super strong men and women 105lbs! You can do standard weight training exercises with kettlebells such as: bench presses, curls, and rows. However, the unique value of kettlebells is derived from ballistic (fast exercise) work such as: snatches, swings, cleans, and jerks. In addition, to giving your incredible muscular endurance when done in high repetitions, with a proper nutrition plan any excess fat that you have will melt off rapidly.
Gymnastics is a sport involving the performance of exercises requiring balance, strength, flexibility, agility, endurance and control. In this class different types of apparatus are used such as; Balls, low bean, Hoops, Ropes & Ribbons. Various skills are learned with the equipment and from this wonderful routines are developed. The child’s flexibility along with various exercises to enhance their fitness will be focused on throughout the term.